Our Corporate Values

Doing the right thing isn’t just another corporate talking point to us – it’s what we were founded on.
Doing right by our customers and employees is something we do all the time, even when no one’s looking.

Always Committed

We are fully committed to high standards, creating higher value and achieve financial success for our clients, our teams and ourselves. We strongly believe in that honesty, respect and trust is a very vital components for creating sound healthy long term relationships and we expect to be treated in the same manner by any counterpart.

Always Caring

The Company cares about our people, clients, shareholders, shareowners and business partners. TM is committed to act with compassion, to listen with respect to others and to value differences. The Company is also committed to enhance the communities where people live and work, and to be compliant with government laws and financial regulations.

Always Responsible

We act responsibly. We are aware that our decisions and actions affect people’s lives every day. We hold ourselves accountable for the disciplined management of risk and for doing the right thing.

Always Learning

We recognize that education is a vital part of our company’s success and further progress to accomplish our objectives. The only way any individual can reach their highest potential is through learning and growth, which simultaneously can be a source of both happiness and fulfillment. The same is true of organizations. We believe that learning and growth is a lifetime mindset and way of life, rather than something you do in your adolescence and stop when you enter the workforce. We look to continually learn, grow, and expand our capacity as individuals and as an organization.

Always K.I.S.S.

Keep It Short and Simple. We believe that there is often a simpler way to doing almost anything. By simplifying our lives, processes, product, and the way we do business, we free up time and energy to focus on what really matters, increasing our capacity for making forward progress and producing great outcomes.

Always Open-minded

We promote opportunity within our company. We are committed to helping each other achieve our potential in order to build a better future for the employees, clients, shareholders and the communities were we serve. We think an open-minded approach is an essential part of our business and we like our employees feel that they can contribute and benefit from their ideas.

Always Flexsible

We believe that rigid rules are unnecessary with a team of highly engaged, passionate, and committed people. We value results over having people in specific seats at specific times of the day. We recognize that self-directed people can perform at a higher level and simultaneously take better care of their lives when they’re able to design for themselves how, when, and where they work. When appropriate, we choose to come together to work. However, you’ll often find our team working from all over the world.

Always Accountable

Nothing works without personal integrity and responsibility and a culture of accountability. We not only commit to hold each other accountable to our word, commitments, objectives, and duties, but we also commit to being held accountable by our peers when we fail to deliver on what we have committed to.